5 Produkte

Get your skin summer ready with the "Bee Butter Cream Tube and Royal Bee Foot Bar Gift Set"  creamy lux lotion combined with a foot bar to pamper your winter weary feet.  You deserve it.  Help your favorite gardener mend their working hands while also sending them a thoughtful message with our Sentiment Bee Bars.    And BEE sure to check out our selection of candles. It's the perfect time to stock up on Citronella Tea Lights to keep those pesky bugs away all summer long! 
All Candles NOW 15% OFF!

Honey House Naturals Choose Your Own Scent Bee Butter Cream Tube & Foot Bar Gift Set
Bienenbuttercremetube und Fußseife als Geschenkset
Sonderpreis $20.50 Normaler Preis $22.95 Sparen $2.45
Honey House Naturals Sentiment Large Bee Bar - Inspirational
Sentiment Große Bienenbar - Inspirierend
Sonderpreis $11.16 Normaler Preis $13.95 Sparen $2.79
Sentiment Large Bee Bar - Winter
Sonderpreis $11.16 Normaler Preis $13.95 Sparen $2.79
Honey House Naturals Sentiment Large Bee Bar - Dad, Mom, Son, Daughter
Honey House Naturals Sentiment Large Bee Bar - Dad, Mom, Son, Daughter
Sentiment Große Bienenstange - Papa, Mama, Sohn, Tochter
Sonderpreis $11.16 Normaler Preis $13.95 Sparen $2.79
Honey House Naturals Sentiment Large Bee Bar - Family
Honey House Naturals Aunt / Citrus Sentiment Large Bee Bar - Family
Sentiment Große Bienenbar - Familie
Sonderpreis $11.16 Normaler Preis $13.95 Sparen $2.79
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