First of all, it wasn’t a gift for anybody but myself. I love your products. Right now the weather has been kind of different and bee butter in a tub and bee butter solid just weren’t working for me. I had some in a tube that I bought a few years ago and threw it on and it’s the answer for right now! But there wasn’t much left in the tube so I had to get more. I decided to go with the mist because I hadn’t had it in years either. But boy, it sure smells good! I’ve been known to use air fresheners on my clothes before I go out because I just really don’t like most perfumes. And some of the air freshener smell really good. So that’s kind of what I’m using this for. I spritz it on myself before I go out and I smell delicious. Without being overpowering.
I gave one of the tubes to a friend of mine… Maybe she’ll become a customer as well. She really liked it. Problem is the stuff lasts a long time so it’ll be a while before we know if she’s going to want and need more.
In the meantime, I’ll keep spreading the word about your products.
I love them.